aimgfb - shoots a gfb on the best square where no friends will be shotten
aimavalanche - shoots an avalanche on the best square where no friends will be shotten
aimthunderstorm - shoots a thunderstorm on the best square where no friends will be shotten
aimstoneshower - shoots a stone shower on the best square where no friends will be shotten
aimtype {creature} - uses the action/spell that is set in the aimbot section, on a certain creature.
attack {creature} - attacks a creature
autoaim - casts the specified aimtype on the best enemy
ewave - casts ‘exevo vis hur’ on target only if it’s on spell range
explo {creature} - shoots an explosion on a creature
exoricon {hp%} - casts ‘exori con’ only if target is below certain hp% and on spell range
exorihur {hp%} - casts ‘exori hur’ only if target is below certain hp% and on spell range
exorigran {hp%} - casts ‘exori gran’ only if target is below certain hp% and close to you
hmm {creature} - shoots a hmm on a creature
icicle {creature} - shoots an icicle on a creature
lmm {target} - shoots a lmm rune on a target
paralyze {creature} - shoots a paralyze on a creature
runtargeting - if you want to run targeting only when you have a certain button pressed, bind this to a key
sd {creature} - shoots a sd on a creature
soulf {creature} - shoots a soulfire on a creature
setattackmode {attackmode} {chasemode} - sets your current attack/chase mode
stalagmite {creature} - shoots a stalagmite on a creature
stopattack - will stop attacking/following the creature you are currently attacking/following
wave {spellword} - casts a wave spell (like exevo vis hur) only if target is on spell range
allowwalk {item1} {item2}… - allows the client/bot to auto-walk on a certain item id
altnavdisplay - an alternative way of displaying navigation friends and enemies.
clear $varname - it’s the same as doing set $variablename 0
collectitems {backpack} {item1} {item2}… - collects items.
connect {worldname} {accname} {accpass} {charname}
copyscreen - will copy the current content of the Tibia window to the clipboard
dec $varname - it’s the same as doing set $variablename [$variablename-1]
disallowwalk {item1} {item2}… - disallows the client/bot to auto-walk on a certain item id
displaymap - displays a big minimap on your screen, really useful if you’re using navigation.
displaytext {text} - displays a text message on your screen.
dontlist - use this if you don’t want to list a certain auto bind
end - ends the execution of your bind, and restarts it
exec {string} - will execute a certain command
exivalast - exivas the last person you exivaed
exivatarget - exivas your target
filewrite {filename} {text} - writes some text to a file, but does not add a new line afterwards
filewriteline {filename} {text} - writes text and inserts a line break afterwards in the file
filedelete {filename} - deletes a file
flash - makes a flash, like alarms does
gamesay {text} - says something in game-chat
guildsay {text} - says something in guild-chat
helpsay {text} - says something in help-channel
inc $varname - it’s the same as doing set $variablename [$variablename+1]
ignoretarget {creature} - ignores a target
keepmagwall - will keep shooting a magwall on the square you last attempted to shot a magwall on
listas {text} - lists a auto bind with a custom text
listboxsetup {id} {posx} {posy} {maxlines} {linetime} {direction} - sets up a listbox
listboxaddline {id} {colorR} {colorG} {colorB} {linetext} - adds a text to an specified listbox’s ID
log {text} - logs a text on a new line to the file ‘elfscript.log’ along with the current time and date
logout - makes you logout
magwall {creature} - shoots a magwall two squares in front of a creature
makerune {mp} {runespell} - creates a certain rune.
mwallshield - shoots a magic wall in the square that will most effectively shield you from enemy fire
mwallcover {creature} - shoot a magic wall which will best cover a creature of your choice to prevent enemies shooting/healing him
npcsay - says something in the npc-chat
playsound {soundfilename} - plays a .wav file from your Elfbot folder
pm {playername} {text} - private messages a message to a certain player
reconnect - reconnects you
rlsay {text} - says something in the real-life chat
savescreen {filename} - saves the current contents of the Tibia window to a file on disk.
say {text} - says something in your default chat
scrollview - makes it possible to look off-screen
set $varname {value} - creates a new variable/assigns a new value to an already existing one
setcaption {text} - changes the text of your Tibia Client’s window
setcolor {colorR} {colorG} {colorB} - sets the color of the ‘displaytext’ command
setpos {x} {y} - sets the position for a ‘displaytext’ command
seticonactive {iconname} {timems} - puts an icon into the active state for a certain amount of time
seticontext {iconname} {text} - adds extra text to an icon
spydown - spies down one level
spyup - spies up one level
statusmessage {text} - will make a message appear where there appears ‘Sorry not possible.’
tradesay {text} - says something in the trade-channel
turnoff - turns an auto bind off
xlog - x-logs you out of the game
charge - casts ‘utani tempo hur’ if you are not current hasted
dash - an exploit that increases your speed.
dashchase {creature} - client-sidedly chases a creature
follow {creature} - follows a creature
haste - casts ‘utani hur’ if you are not current hasted
movee - moves you east
moven - moves you north
moves - moves you south
movew - moves you west
movene - moves you north-east
movenw - moves you north-west
movese - moves you south-east
movesw - moves you south-west
moveto {x} {y} {z} - issues a move command of your character towards a certain location
stronghaste - casts ‘utani gran hur’ if you are not current hasted
swiftfoot - casts ‘utamo tempo san’ if you are not current hasted
turnn - turns you north
turne - turns you east
turns - turns you south
turnw - turns you west
buyitems {itemid} {amount} - buys a specific amount of a certain item
buyitemsupto {itemid} {amount} {itemvariable} - buys a specific amount of a certain item, up to a certain total desired amount depending on how many you already have.
closeallwindows - closes all open inventory windows
crosshair {itemid} - makes a crosshair of the item id appears, so you can shoot a rune
eatfood - eats food from your open backpacks
equipammy {itemid} - equips an amulet with a certain item id to your neck slot
fastequipammy {itemid} - same as ‘equipammy id’, but will issue an equipment even if item with ‘id’ isn’t already in the amulet slot (will spam).
equipback {itemid} - equips a certain item in your backpack slot
equipbelt {itemid} - equips a certain item in your belt slot
equipboots {itemid} - equips a certain item in your boots slot
equipchest {itemid} - equips a certain item in your chest slot
equiplhand {itemid} - equips a certain item in your left-hand slot
equiprhand {itemid} - equips a certain item in your right-hand slot
equiphead {itemid} - equips a certain item in your head slot
equiphelm {itemid} - equips a certain item in your helmet slot
equiplegs {itemid} - equips a certain item in your legs slot
equipring {itemid} - equips a certain item in your ring slot
equipsring {itemid} {itemid} - same as equipring, but is used for rings that ‘sparkle’
fish {itemid optional} - tries to get a fish using a fishing rod or if you want to fish a water elemental, just put the water elemental’s body ID.
lootitems - loot items defined in the file lootitems.txt
movenitems {item} {count} {‘backpack’} - moves count amount of item to desired backpack
moveitemonground {sx} {sy} {sz} {dx} {dy} {dz} - moves the top item from a source tile to a destination tile
moveitems {itemid} {window} - moves all items with a certain id, to a window of a certain type
moveitemsonto {itemid} {bpid} {bpindex} {window} - moves all items to a specific container (bpid), at a certain index in an open window
openbeltitem - opens the item located in your belt slot, in a new window
openbpitem - opens your backpack in a new window
openitem {itemid} {index} {window} - (read the hotkey wizard for more info)
openitemnew {itemid} {index} {window} - same as ‘openitem’ but the item will be opened in a new window
opengrounditem {itemid} - if there’s an item 1 square around you with a certain id this will open that item
opengroundxyz {x} {y} {z} - opens a certain item on a specific coordinate
reachgrounditem {itemid} - walks up to a certain item that is currently on your screen
refillammo - refills any item in your left hand, right hand or belt slot
sellitems {itemid} {amount} - sells a specific amount of a certain item to an NPC
sellitemsdownto {itemid} {amount} {itemvariable} -
sells a specific amount of a certain item to an NPC down to a certain
total desired amount depending on how many you already have
stake {distance} {itemid} - will look for reachable stakeable corpses within a certain distance, and skin them
skin {distance} {itemid} - will look for reachable skinnable corpses within a certain distance, and skin them
swapequip {text} {text} - swaps an item from one inventory slot to another
unequip {text} {window} - unequips an item from one of your inventory slots and puts it into a specific backpack
useoncreature {itemid} {creature} - uses an item with a certain id on a creature
useitem {useitem} - uses an item with a certain id
usegrounditem {itemid} - uses a certain item on the ground that’s within 1 squares range
usegroundxyz {x} {y} {z} - uses the item that is currently on x y z
useongrounditem {itemid} {itemid} - uses an item from your inventory on a ground item that’s within 1 squares range
useoninventoryitem {itemidtouse} {itemidtouseon} - uses an item from your inventory on your own inventory
repeatuseongroundxyz {itemid} {itemidonground} {x} {y} {z} - repeats using a certain item from your inventory on an item on x y z until the item on ground no longer can be found
useongroundxyz {itemid} {x} {y} {z} - use a certain item frmo your inventory on the item that is on a certain x y z location
useitemsonground {sx} {sy} {sz} {dx} {dy} {dz} - uses the topmost item of a source tile onto the topmost item of a destination tile.
autoheal - will force the bot to heal yourself if your hp is below 95%
healparalysis {text} heals your paralysis with a certain spell
health {hp%} {creature} - uses a light health potion on a creature when it’s hp is below a certain percentage
shealth {hp%} {creature} - uses a strnog health potion on a creature when it’s hp is below a certain percentage
ghealth {hp%} {creature} - uses a great health potion on a creature when it’s hp is below a certain percentage
uhealth {hp%} {creature} - uses a ultimate health potion on a creature when it’s hp is below a certain percentage
gshealth {hp%} {creature} - uses a great spirit potion on a creature when it’s hp is below a certain percentage
ihpc {hp%} {creature} - uses a ih rune on a creature when it’s hp is below a certain percentage
mana {creature} - uses a light mana potion on a creature
smana {creature} - uses a strong mana potion on a creature
gmana {creature} - uses a great mana potion on a creature
gsmana {creature} - uses a great spirit potion on a creature
manashield - casts ‘utamo vita’ if you not already have mana shield activated or your mana is sufficient
refillmana {mp} {distance} - will try to mana your friends (if they’re connected to a nav server)
refillhealth {hp} {distance} - will try to heal your friends (if they have look info)
sio {hp%} {creature} - casts ‘exura sio’ on a creature when his hp is below a certain percentage
uh {creature} - will heal a creature with a uh rune, if his hp percentage is below 95%
uhpc {hp%} {creature} - uses a uh rune on a creature whose hp is below a certain percentage
changestance {monstername} {stancetype} {settingnumber} {monstercount} - will change the stance of a monster choosen on targeting
countitems {itemid} - will count how many items of a certain item, you’ve got
countitemsvisible {itemid} - will count how many visible items, you’ve got of a certain itemcountolditems
countolditems {itemid} {timems} {itemname} - will serverside count the desired item if no “using one of xxx itemname” has occurent in the last timems milliseconds.
collectitems {backpack} {itemid1} {itemid2} {itemid3} - picks up the listed items from squares all around you to the target backpack.
dropitems {itemid1} {itemid2} {itemid3}… - will drop all listed items on the ground
dropitemsxyz {x} {y} {z} {itemid1} {itemid2} {itemid3}… - will drop all listed itemons on the ground on a specific x y z position
dropitemsxyzamount {x} {y} {z} {itemid} {amount} - drops a certain amount of an item onto a tile
goinvisible - casts ‘utana vid’ if you are not currently invisible
gotolabel {labelname} - continues following waypoints at the waypoint for which you have set a specific label
pickupitems {backpack} - will pick up all items on the title you’re currently standing on and move them to an open container window
pickupitemsamount {itemid} {amount} {backpack} - picks up a certain amount of an item that is on the same tile as you.
skip - will skip to the next waypoint
stackitems - will stack all countable items that are split accross piles of less than 100 together
wait {timems} - will wait a certain interval before executing the next command
loadcavebot {scriptname} - loads a cavebot script. The file must be on your scripts folder.
loadtargeting {scriptname} - loads a targeting script. The file must be on your scripts folder.
loadsetting {settingname} - loads a setting. The file must be on your elfsettings folder.
loadscript {scriptname.elfs} - loads a script in text form. The file must be on your elfsettings folder.
setalarm {alarmname} {S state} {P state} {X state} - let you enable/disable an alarm
setautocombo {on/off/toggle} - enable/disable autocombo
setcavebot {on/off/toggle} - enable/disable follow waypoints
settargeting {on/off/toggle} - enable/disable targeting
settradeoptions {bpmode} {capmode} {equipmode} - changes the option on trade mode, for more information check the releases thread
setfollowwaypoints {on/off/toggle} - enable/disable follow waypoints
setopennextbp {on/off/toggle} - enable/disable set open next bp
setoutfit {playername} {outfitid} - dresses someone with a specified outfit. It will dress your self if you don’t specify the playername
setitemoutfit {playername} {itemid} - dresses someone with a specified item id, like chameleon
setoutfitcolor {playername} {headcolor} {primary} {secondary} {detail} {addon} - dresses someone with your desired outfit colors/addons
setrelation {playername} {relation} {priority} - lets you flag players in realtime as a sub/enemy/friend, according to conditions that you impose
foreach {listtype} $varname {action} - will itinerate trough a list type and make a desired action
while {condition} {action} - will execute an action while the conditions are satisfied
loop {amountoftimes} {action} - will execute an action x amount of times
Cavebot Related
islocation - will execute a certain action only if you are on the exactly location of action waypoint.
isnotlocation - will execute a certain action only if you are not on the exactly location of action waypoint.
isdistance {x} - will execute a certain action only if you are x sqms close to the action waypoint
isnotdistance {x} - will execute a certain action only if you are not x sqms close to the action waypoint
isposz {posz} - will execute a certain action only if you are on the specified posz
Alert Related
ifdefaultmessage - will execute a certain action only if you recieved a default message within last 2 seconds
ifplayerattacking - will execute a certain action only if a player attacked you within last 2 seconds
ifprivatemessage - will execute a certain action only if you recieved a private message within last 2 seconds
ifgm - will execute a certain action only if a GM is detected around you
ifnogm - will execute a certain action only if a GM is not detected around you
ifplayeronscreen - will execute a certain action only if a player is detected around you
ifnoplayeronscreen - will execute a certain action only if a player is not detected around you
Misc Related
countlower {amount} - will execute a certain action only if the last item counted is lower than a certain amount
counthigher {amount} - will execute a certain action only if the last item counted is higher than a certain amount
caplower {num} - will execute a certain action only if your capacity is lower than a certain amount
caphigher {num} - will execute a certain action only if your capacity is higher than a certain amount
ifdrunk - will execute a certain action only if you are currently with drunk status
ifhasted - will execute a certain action only if you are currently with haste status
ifnothasted - will execute a certain action only if you are not currently with haste status
ifmanashielded - will execute a certain action only if you are currently with mana shield status
ifnotmanashielded - will execute a certain action only if you are not currently with mana shield status
ifpoisoned - will execute a certain action only if you are currently with poison status
ifparalyzed - will execute a certain action only if you are currently with paralyze status
ifnotparalyzed - will execute a certain action only if you are not currently with paralyze status
isattackedname {creaturename} - will execute a certain action only if the monster you are currently attacking has the specified name
isonscreen {creaturename} - will execute a certain action only if there is a creature with the specified name on your screen
isnotonscreen {creaturename} - will execute a certain action only if there is not a creature with the specified name on your screen
istargeting - will execute a certain action only if the targeting is currently targeting a monster
isnottargeting - will execute a certain action only if the targeting is not currently targeting a monster
istargetname {creaturename} - will execute a certain action only if the targeting is currently targeting with a monster with the specified name
hplower {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with hp lower than the specified number
hphigher {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with hp higher than the specified number
hpmissinglower {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with missing hp lower than the specified number
hpmissinghigher {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with missing hp higher than the specified number
mplower {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with mp lower than the specified number
mphigher {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with mp higher than the specified number
mpmissinglower {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with missing mp lower than the specified number
mpmissinghigher {num} - will execute a certain action only if you are with missing mp higher than the specified number
safe - will execute a certain action only if the healing section of the bot is not currently healing yourself
targethplower {num} - will execute a certain action only if the target is with hp% lower than the specified number
Conditional expressions (To be used with variables):
if {conditions} {action} - will execute a certain action only if it satisfies some conditions
ifnot {conditions} {action} - will execute a certain action only if it doesn’t satisfies some conditions
else {action} - will execute a certain action only if the corresponding if/ifnot expression wasn’t satisfied
How to see if there is a walkable sqm next to you or a wall?
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